Remove all attributes from HTML tags using TextWranlger:
Change the <tr> to something else and it will look only for that particular tag.
Using preg_match_all or preg_replace regular expressions.
Empty Tags:
$empty_tags = "/<[^\/>]*>([\s]?)*<\/[^>]*>/";
Find the last <td> or <th> of a table (e.g. removing the last column of a table):
$last_td = "/<(?:td|th)[^>]*>.*?<\/(?:td|th)>\s+<\/tr>/i";
Find the first <td> or <th> of a table (e.g. removing the first column of a table):
$first_td = "/<tr>\s+<(?:td|th)[^>]*>.*?<\/(?:td|th)>\s+/i";
Split all the <td>’s into an array:
$splitats = "'<td>(.*?)</td>'si";
Find <td>’s with content that starts with “text”:
$regex_text = "/<\s*td.*?>text(.*)/";